Author: Sonja on
dinsdag 11 januari 2011
The last few days it has been a bit less pleasant in our house. My boy of 10 came downstairs in the middle of the night to say he threw up on his bed. I think I am not the only one who hates changing dirty bed sheets in the middle of the night, but at least the mess got contained to the bed.
He was sick all night and still felt bad the next day, poor thing.
Thankfully he is much better today, but it did not much good for my soaping efforts.
Yesterday I was soaping for valentines day, but the recipe I had was not enough, so I decided to double it. However, lazy as I am, I did so out of the top of my head and therefore forgot to double my palm oil. The consequence was that my beautiful inlays were all lye heavy. Thankfully I found out in time and could rebatch them, but it was a really stupid mistake.
De laatste dagen is het hier wat minder goed in huis. Mijn zoontje van 10 kwam naar beneden midden in de nacht omdat hij zijn bed had onder gespuugd. Ik denk niet dat ik de enige ben, maar ik haat het om midden in de nacht een bed te moeten verschonen, maar gelukkig bleef de troep beperkt tot het bed. Hij is de hele nacht ziek geweest en voelde zich nog steeds ziek de volgende dag. Arme ding!
Gelukkig is hij nu weer een stuk opgeknapt, maar mijn plannen om te zepen werden behoorlijk om zeep geholpen, hihihi.
Gisteren wilde in wat zeep voor valentijnsdag maken, maar mijn recept was niet groot genoeg. Ik heb dus het recept (uit mijn hoofd) verdubbeld en.... vergeten de palmolie te verdubbelen. Dat maakt geen prettige zeep kan ik je zeggen. Vandaag dus maar een rebatch gedaan, maar het was wel een stomme fout.
Back to the topic of this post. Firstly I forgot to include the lovely necklace Jane made for the swap. I really like it, as these are my favourite colours.
The swap package of Eucalypta is not in my possesion yet. I probably venture over to Hilversum with the baby tomorrow to pick it up.
Therefore I will showcase my own swap items. My theme was foodies.
* Brown sugar and fig body lotion. My daughter picked the fragrance and it is lovely.
* Caramel frappuccino soap. CP soap with a mild coffeescrub and a shea M&P topping. Great to get those garlic hands smelling nice again.
* Lemon biscuit sugar scrub. Made from scratch with creamsoap. I just hope the sugar holds up, as there is quite some liquid in the soap.
* Pink sugar scrub. Made with foaming bath butter and 30% oils. One of my fav fragrances.
* Breakfast bubble bar. Made with butter milk, honey and oatmeal. Very nice in the bath.
* Lollipop bubble bar. Fragranced with a very sweet lollipop fragrance. Great for the kids.
* Chai tea lipbalm with lots of butters.
* 2 fragranced candles (cinnamon & pecan pie) and a holder.